Stairway to Heaven - Led Zeppelin
“Stairway to Heaven” é a mais famosa canção da banda inglesa Led Zeppelin. Composta pelo guitarrista Jimmy Page e pelo vocalista Robert Plant para o quarto álbum de estúdio da banda, Led Zeppelin IV. Mas o que ela significa?
Para entendermos o significado da letra, precisamos colocar a música e o próprio Led Zeppelin dentro do contexto na qual ela foi escrita. Jimmy Page e Robert Plant. A música foi composta em 1970-71, bem no período onde Page morou em Boleskine e era dono de uma livraria especializada em ocultismo, a “The Equinox Booksellers and Publishers” e chegou a publicar alguns textos de Aleister Crowley, apesar de nunca ter se iniciado formalmente na Ordo Templi Orientis. Sabendo disso, podemos colocar a música em sua perspectiva correta: Assim como os graus nas Ordens que vieram da Rosa Cruz (como a Golden Dawn, por exemplo)todo o processo de evolução caminha na subida alegórica pela Escada Celestial (Starway) e é disso que a música trata.
There’s a Lady who’s sure,
All that glitters is gold,
And she’s buying a Stairway to Heaven.
Esta “Lady”, ao contrário do que as pessoas imaginam, não é a Shirley Bassed (essa idéia apareceu em uma referência de Leonard tale no CD Australiano). A “Lady” que Robert Plant fala é Yesod, a Qualidade Universal do Espírito, a Princesa aprisionada dos contos de fada, a vontade primordial que nos leva á meditação, ao auto-conhecimento e ao início da Escada de Jacob, que é a Starway to Heaven, (Caminho das estrelas), trocadilho com o nome da música e que também foi utilizado em outros contextos para expressar as mesmas idéias, como por exemplo, no nome “Luke Skywalker” na Saga do Star Wars. Um dia falo mais sobre isso…
Na Mitologia Nórdica, a Lady é Frigga, também conhecida como Ísis, Maria, A Mãe, Iemanjá, Diana, Afrodite, etc… um aspecto de toda a criação e presente em cada um de nós.
Robert plant fará novas referências a esta “Lady Who´s sure” em outras músicas (Liar´s Dance, por exemplo, que trata do “Book of Lies” do Aleister Crowley).
Ao contrário do senso comum, que diz que “Nem tudo que reluz é ouro”, esta Lady possui dentro de si a esperança e o otimismo para enxergar o bem em todas as coisas; ver que tudo possui brilho e que mesmo a menor centelha de luz divina dentro de cada um possui potencial de crescimento.
E dentro deste entendimento, ela vai galgando os degraus desta escada para os céus. Na Kabbalah, os 4 Mundos formam o que no ocultismo chamamos de “Escada de Jacob”, descrita até mesmo em passagens da Bíblia. Esta “escada” simbólica traz um mapa da consciência do ser humano, do mais profano ao mais divino, que deve ser trabalhada dentro de cada um de nós até chegar à realização espiritual.
Aqui que os crentes e ateus escorregam. Eles acham que deuses são reais no sentido de “existirem no mundo físico” e ficam brigando sobre veracidade de imagens que apenas representam idéias para um aprimoramento interior.
When she gets there she knows,
If the stores are all closed,
With a word she can get what she came for.
Aqui é mencionado o “verbo”, ou a “palavra perdida” capaz de dar criação a qualquer coisa que o magista desejar. A Vontade (Thelema) do espírito do Iniciado é tão forte que “quando ela chegar lá ela sabe que se todas as possibilidades estiverem fechadas, ela poderá usar a palavra para criar o que precisar”. Este primeiro verso coloca que a dama está trilhando o caminho até a Iluminação e tem certeza daquilo que deseja, ou seja, conhece sua Verdadeira Vontade..
There’s a sign on the wall,
But she wants to be sure,
’cause you know sometimes words have two meanings.
Ainda trilhando este caminho, a dama precisa ser cautelosa. Porque todo símbolo possui vários significados. Todas as Ordens Iniciáticas trabalham e sempre trabalharam com símbolos: deuses, signos, alegorias e parábolas. Os Indianos chamam estes caminhos falsos de Maya (a Ilusão) e em todos os caminhos espirituais os iniciados são avisados sobre os desvios que podem levá-los para fora deste caminho (ou o “diabo” na Mitologia Cristã).
In a tree by the brook
There’s a song bird who sings,
Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven.
A Árvore a qual ele se refere é, obviamente, a Árvore da Vida da Kabbalah, ou Yggdrasil, na Mitologia Nórdica, a conexão entre todas as raízes do Inferno (Qliphoth) e as folhas nos galhos mais altos (Runas). Brook (Riacho) também é um termo usado no Tarot para designar o fluxo das Cartas em uma tirada, e o pássaro representa BA, ou a alma em passagem, considerada também o símbolo de Toth (que, por sua vez, é o lendário criador do Tarot, ou “Livro de Toth”, segundo Aleister Crowley) então a frase fica com dois sentidos: literal, que é uma árvore ao lado de um rio onde há um pássaro; e esotérico, que trata de Toth, deus dos ensinamentos (Hermes, Mercúrio, Exú, Loki…) aconselhando o iniciado enquanto ele trilha a subida simbólica pela Árvore da Vida.
There’s a feeling I get when I look to the west,
And my spirit is crying for leaving.
O “Oeste” na Rosacruz, na Maçonaria e em várias outras Ordens Iniciáticas, representa a porta do Templo, os profanos ou a parte de Malkuth, o mundo material (enquanto o Oriente representa a luz, o nascer do sol). Ela não gosta do que vê e seu espírito quer trilhar um caminho diferente.
In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees
And the voices of those who stand looking.
Os anéis de fumaça são o símbolo usado para representar os espíritos antigos, os ancestrais dentro do Shamanismo. Os grandes professores e os Mestres Invisíveis que auxiliam aqueles que estejam dentro das ordens iniciáticas
And it’s whispered that soon if we all call the tune
Then the piper will lead us to reason.
And a new day will dawn for those who stand long,
And the forests will echo with laughter.
O “piper” é uma alusão ao flautista, ou Pan. O “Hino a Pã” é uma poesia de 1929 composta por Crowley (e traduzida para o português pelo magista Fernando Pessoa) que trata do Caminho de Ayin dentro da Árvore, que leva da Razão à Iluminação e é representada justamente pelo Arcano do Diabo no Tarot e pelo signo de Capricórnio, o simbólico Deus Chifrudo das florestas. As “florestas ecoando com gargalhadas” sugere que aqueles que estão observando (os Mestres Iniciados) estarão satisfeitos quando os estudantes e todo o resto do Planeta chegarem ao mesmo ponto onde eles estão e se juntarem a eles.
If there’s a bustle in your hedgerow,
Don’t be alarmed now,
It’s just a spring clean for the May Queen.
Esta parte não tem nada a ver com garotas chegando à puberdade. As mudanças referem-se à morte do Inverno e chegada da Primavera, que representa a superação das Ordálias e caminhada em direção à Verdadeira Vontade.
Yes there are two paths you can go by,
But in the long run
There’s still time to change the road you’re on.
A lembrança de que sempre existem dois caminhos, e também uma referência ao Caminho de Zain (Espada, que conecta o Iniciado em Tiferet à Grande Mãe Binah, representada pelo Arcano dos Enamorados no Tarot). Separa a parte dos prazeres terrenos (chamados de “pecados” na cristandade ou de “Defeitos Capitais” na Alquimia) e o caminho da iluminação espiritual. A escolha é nossa e é feita a cada momento de nossa vida em tudo o que fazemos, e qualquer pessoa, a qualquer momento pode mudar de caminho (espero que do mais baixo para o mais elevado…)
And it makes me wonder.
Robert Plant coloca várias vezes esta frase na música, em uma referência ao Arcano do louco (e o Caminho do Aleph na Kabbalah), como o sentimento de uma criança que se maravilha com tudo no mundo pela primeira vez (no catolicismo “Vinde a mim as criancinhas”, Mateus 18:1-6 sem trocadilho desta vez). Este é a sensação que um ocultista tem a cada descoberta de uma nova galáxia ou maravilha do universo, ou novas invenções da ciência e a descoberta de novos horizontes. No hinduísmo, esta sensação tem o nome de Sattva (em oposição a Rajas/atividade ou Tamas/ignorância).
Your head is humming and it won’t go,
In case you don’t know,
The Piper’s calling you to join him.
Nesta altura da música, já fica claro que quem a escuta está sendo guiado pela Lady através da Árvore da Vida em direção à Iluminação. O aspirante a Iniciado está sendo conduzido pelo caminho p Conspiração toca para vocês…
Dear Lady can you hear the wind blow, and did you know,
Your stairway lies on the whispering wind.
Esta frase tem duas analogias com símbolos muito parecidos, de duas culturas. O primeiro é a própria Yggdrasil, em cujas raízes fica um dragão (a Kundalini) e em cujo topo fica uma águia que bate suas asas resultando em uma suave brisa. A Águia representa o espírito iluminado (daí dela ser o símbolo escolhido pelos maçons americanos como símbolo dos EUA) e o vento é o elemento AR (Razão). Na Kabbalah, em um significado mais profundo, tanto os caminhos de Aleph (Louco/Ar) quanto de Beth (Mago/Mercúrio) que conduzem a Kether (Deus) são representados pelo elemento AR – O Led Zeppelin fala sobre águias em outras canções, igualmente cheias de simbolismo… algum dia eu falo sobre elas.
And as we wind on down the road,
Our shadows taller than our soul,
As Sombras, no ocultismo e especialmente nos textos do Crowley, são os defeitos ou aspectos negativos de nossa personalidade que mancham a pureza de nossa alma.
There walks a lady we all know,
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold,
O terceiro Caminho até Kether é Gimmel, a sacerdotisa, o caminho iniciado em Yesod (Lua) que passa novamente pelos Grandes Mistérios. A analogia com o Ouro é óbvia. O processo alquímico na qual transformamos simbolicamente o chumbo do nosso ego no ouro da essência.
When all are one and one is all,
To be a rock and not to roll.
Quando finalmente ultrapassamos o Abismo, chegamos a Binah, que representa a Ordem (“rock” em oposição ao Caos, que é o “roll”, em um genial jogo de palavras). Na Umbanda, o orixá representado ali é Xangô, senhor das “pedreiras” e da certeza das leis imutáveis do Universo. Representa a mente focada no caminho, sem deixar-se levar por qualquer evento ou adversidade.
And she’s buying a Stairway to Heaven.
Novamente, a mensagem de esperança… a Dama do Lago está sempre ali, criando oportunidades para todos os buscadores no Caminho da Libertação.
Stairway to Heaven - Led Zeppelin
"Stairway to Heaven " is the most famous song by the English band Led Zeppelin . Composed by guitarist Jimmy Page and vocalist Robert Plant for the fourth studio album by the band Led Zeppelin IV . But what does it mean?
To understand the significance of the letter , we need to put the music and Led Zeppelin itself within the context in which it was written . Jimmy Page and Robert Plant. The music was composed in 1970-71 , and the period in which he lived in Boleskine and Page owned an occult bookstore in the " The Equinox Booksellers and Publishers " and even published some texts by Aleister Crowley , though he never was formally initiated into Ordo Templi Orientis . Knowing this , we can put the music in its proper perspective : As the degrees that the orders came from the Pink Cross ( like the Golden Dawn , for example) the whole process of evolution in allegorical walks down the Heavenly Ladder ( Starway ) and it is that music comes .
There's a lady who's sure,
All that glitters is gold ,
And she's buying a Stairway to Heaven .
This " Lady " , contrary to what people think , is not bassed Shirley ( this idea appeared in a reference Leonard tale in Australian CD ) . The " Lady " Robert Plant speaks is Yesod , the Universal Spirit Quality , imprisoned fairy tale Princess , the primal will that leads us to the meditation, the self - knowledge and the beginning of Jacob's Ladder , which is the Starway to Heaven ( star Trek ) , pun on the name of the song and that was also used in other contexts to express the same ideas , for example , the name " Luke Skywalker " in the star Wars Saga . One day I talk more about it ...
In Norse mythology , the Lady Frigga is also known as Isis , Mary, Mother , Yemanja , Diana , Aphrodite, etc. ... an aspect of all creation and present in each of us .
Robert plant will make new references to this " Lady Who's Sure " in other songs ( Liar's Dance , for example , dealing with the "Book of Lies " of Aleister Crowley ) .
Contrary to common sense, which says that " All that glitters is not gold " , this Lady has within him the hope and optimism to see the good in all things, see that everything has brightness and that even the smallest spark of light divine within each one has potential for growth .
And within this understanding , it will climbing the rungs of this ladder to heaven . In Kabbalah , the 4 worlds in the occult form what we call " Jacob's Ladder " , described even in passages of the Bible . This "ladder " brings a symbolic map of consciousness of the human being , from the profane to the most divine , it must be worked within each of us to reach spiritual fulfillment .
Here believers and atheists slip . They think the gods are real in the sense of " exist in the physical world " and are fighting over the veracity of images that represent only ideas for an interior enhancement .
When she gets there she knows ,
If the stores are all closed ,
With a word she can get what she came for .
Here is mentioned the " verb " , or the "lost word" able to create anything that the magician desired. The Will ( Thelema ) Started the spirit is so strong that " when she gets there she knows if all possibilities are closed, she can use the word to create whatever you need ." This first verse puts the lady is on the path to enlightenment and are sure of what you want , ie , know your True Will ..
There's a sign on the wall ,
But she wants to be sure,
'Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings .
Still treading this path , the lady need to be cautious . Because every symbol has several meanings . All Orders Initiatory work and have always worked with symbols : gods , signs , allegories and parables . The Indians call these false paths Maya ( Illusion ) and all spiritual paths initiates are warned about the deviations that can take them out of the way (or the "devil " in Christian mythology ) .
In a tree by the brook
There's a song bird who sings ,
Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven .
The tree to which he refers is, of course , the Tree of Life of Kabbalah , or Yggdrasil , in Norse mythology , the connection between all the roots of Hell ( Qliphoth ) and leaves in the upper branches ( Runes ) . Brook ( Stream ) is also a term used to designate the Tarot Card of the flow in a drawn, and the bird is BA , or the soul in passing, also considered the symbol of Thoth (which , in turn , is the legendary creator of Tarot , or " Book of Thoth " , according to Aleister Crowley ) then the sentence is two senses : literal , which is a tree beside a river where there is a bird to , and esoteric, which deals with Thoth , god of teachings ( Hermes Mercury , Exú , Loki ... ) advising the track as he started down the symbolic Tree of Life .
There's a feeling I get When I look to the west ,
And my spirit is crying for leaving .
The "West " in Rosicrucians , the Freemasons and several other initiatic Orders , is the gate of the temple , profane or part of Malkuth , the material world ( while the East is the light, the sunrise ) . She did not like what you see and your spirit wants a different path .
In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees
And the voices of Those who stand looking .
The smoke rings are the symbol used to represent the ancient spirits , the ancestors within Shamanism . Great teachers and Invisible Masters who assist those who are within the initiatory orders
And it's Whispered que soon if we all call the tune
Then the piper will lead us to reason .
And a new day will dawn For Those Who stand long ,
And the forests will echo with laughter .
The " piper" is an allusion to the flutist , or Pan 's " Hymn to Pan " is a poem composed by Crowley 1929 ( and translated into Portuguese by Fernando Pessoa magician ) who comes to the Path of Ayin within the tree , which leads Reason of the Enlightenment and is represented precisely by Arcane Devil in Tarot and the sign of Capricorn symbolic Horned God of forests . "Forests echoing with laughter " suggests that those who are watching ( the Initiates Masters ) will be satisfied when the students and the rest of the planet arrive at the same point where they are and join them .
If there 's a bustle in your hedgerow ,
Do not be alarmed now ,
It's just a spring clean for the May Queen .
This part has nothing to do with girls reaching puberty . The changes relate to the death of winter and arrival of spring , which is the overcoming of Ordeals and walk toward the True Will .
Yes there are two paths you can go by ,
But in the long run
There's still time to change the road you're on .
A reminder that there are always two ways, and also a reference to the Path of Zain ( Sword , which connects Tiferet Started in the Great Mother Binah , represented by the Arcanum of the Tarot Lovers ) . Separates the part of earthly pleasures (called " sins " in Christianity or " Negative equity " in Alchemy ) and the path of spiritual enlightenment . The choice is ours and is made every moment of our lives in everything we do , and anyone at any time can change the way ( hopefully from lowest to highest ... )
And it makes me wonder .
Robert Plant puts this phrase several times in music , in a reference to the Arcane crazy ( and the Path of Aleph in Kabbalah ) , as the feeling of a child who marvels at everything in the world for the first time ( in Catholicism " Come unto me the little children " Matthew 18:1-6 no pun intended this time ) . This is the sensation that an occultist has every discovery of a new wonder of the galaxy or universe , or new inventions of science and the discovery of new horizons . In Hinduism , this feeling is called Sattva ( as opposed to Rajas / Tamas activity or / ignorance) .
Your head is humming and it will not go ,
In case you do not know ,
The Piper's calling you to join him .
At this point the music, since it is clear that the listener is being guided by the Lady of the Tree of Life towards enlightenment. The aspiring Initiate is being conducted by the path the sound of music. Or , in a more concrete case, the same type of music that Blog Conspiracy Theory plays for you ...
Dear lady can you hear the wind blow , and did you know ,
Your stairway lies on the whispering wind .
This phrase has two analogies with very similar symbols of two cultures . The first is the Yggdrasil itself, whose roots is a dragon ( Kundalini ) and whose top is an eagle flapping its wings resulting in a gentle breeze . The eagle represents the enlightened spirit (hence her being the symbol chosen by American Masons as a symbol of the U.S.) and the wind element is the AR (Reason ) . In Kabbalah , on a deeper meaning, both paths Aleph ( Crazy / Ar) as Beth (Mage / Mercury) leading to Kether ( God ) are represented by element AR - Led Zeppelin talks about eagles in other songs , also full of symbolism ... someday I'll talk about them.
And the we wind on down the road ,
Our shadows taller than our soul ,
Shadows in the occult and especially in the writings of Crowley , are defects or negative aspects of our personality that tarnish the purity of our soul .
There walks a lady we all know ,
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold ,
The third path to Kether is Gimmel , the priestess , the path started in Yesod (Moon ) passing again through the Great Mysteries . The analogy with the gold is obvious . The alchemical process in which symbolically transform lead into gold ego of our essence .
When all are one and one is all ,
Unity .
To be a rock and not to roll .
When I finally passed the Abyss arrived to Binah , which is the Order ( " rock " as opposed to chaos , which is the " roll " in a brilliant play on words ) . In Umbanda , the Orisha Shango is represented there , lord of " quarries " and certainty of the immutable laws of the universe . Is the mind focused on the road without letting yourself go for any event or adversity.
And she's buying a Stairway to Heaven .
Again , the message of hope ... the Lady of the Lake is always there , creating opportunities for all seekers on the path of liberation .
To understand the significance of the letter , we need to put the music and Led Zeppelin itself within the context in which it was written . Jimmy Page and Robert Plant. The music was composed in 1970-71 , and the period in which he lived in Boleskine and Page owned an occult bookstore in the " The Equinox Booksellers and Publishers " and even published some texts by Aleister Crowley , though he never was formally initiated into Ordo Templi Orientis . Knowing this , we can put the music in its proper perspective : As the degrees that the orders came from the Pink Cross ( like the Golden Dawn , for example) the whole process of evolution in allegorical walks down the Heavenly Ladder ( Starway ) and it is that music comes .
There's a lady who's sure,
All that glitters is gold ,
And she's buying a Stairway to Heaven .
This " Lady " , contrary to what people think , is not bassed Shirley ( this idea appeared in a reference Leonard tale in Australian CD ) . The " Lady " Robert Plant speaks is Yesod , the Universal Spirit Quality , imprisoned fairy tale Princess , the primal will that leads us to the meditation, the self - knowledge and the beginning of Jacob's Ladder , which is the Starway to Heaven ( star Trek ) , pun on the name of the song and that was also used in other contexts to express the same ideas , for example , the name " Luke Skywalker " in the star Wars Saga . One day I talk more about it ...
In Norse mythology , the Lady Frigga is also known as Isis , Mary, Mother , Yemanja , Diana , Aphrodite, etc. ... an aspect of all creation and present in each of us .
Robert plant will make new references to this " Lady Who's Sure " in other songs ( Liar's Dance , for example , dealing with the "Book of Lies " of Aleister Crowley ) .
Contrary to common sense, which says that " All that glitters is not gold " , this Lady has within him the hope and optimism to see the good in all things, see that everything has brightness and that even the smallest spark of light divine within each one has potential for growth .
And within this understanding , it will climbing the rungs of this ladder to heaven . In Kabbalah , the 4 worlds in the occult form what we call " Jacob's Ladder " , described even in passages of the Bible . This "ladder " brings a symbolic map of consciousness of the human being , from the profane to the most divine , it must be worked within each of us to reach spiritual fulfillment .
Here believers and atheists slip . They think the gods are real in the sense of " exist in the physical world " and are fighting over the veracity of images that represent only ideas for an interior enhancement .
When she gets there she knows ,
If the stores are all closed ,
With a word she can get what she came for .
Here is mentioned the " verb " , or the "lost word" able to create anything that the magician desired. The Will ( Thelema ) Started the spirit is so strong that " when she gets there she knows if all possibilities are closed, she can use the word to create whatever you need ." This first verse puts the lady is on the path to enlightenment and are sure of what you want , ie , know your True Will ..
There's a sign on the wall ,
But she wants to be sure,
'Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings .
Still treading this path , the lady need to be cautious . Because every symbol has several meanings . All Orders Initiatory work and have always worked with symbols : gods , signs , allegories and parables . The Indians call these false paths Maya ( Illusion ) and all spiritual paths initiates are warned about the deviations that can take them out of the way (or the "devil " in Christian mythology ) .
In a tree by the brook
There's a song bird who sings ,
Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven .
The tree to which he refers is, of course , the Tree of Life of Kabbalah , or Yggdrasil , in Norse mythology , the connection between all the roots of Hell ( Qliphoth ) and leaves in the upper branches ( Runes ) . Brook ( Stream ) is also a term used to designate the Tarot Card of the flow in a drawn, and the bird is BA , or the soul in passing, also considered the symbol of Thoth (which , in turn , is the legendary creator of Tarot , or " Book of Thoth " , according to Aleister Crowley ) then the sentence is two senses : literal , which is a tree beside a river where there is a bird to , and esoteric, which deals with Thoth , god of teachings ( Hermes Mercury , Exú , Loki ... ) advising the track as he started down the symbolic Tree of Life .
There's a feeling I get When I look to the west ,
And my spirit is crying for leaving .
The "West " in Rosicrucians , the Freemasons and several other initiatic Orders , is the gate of the temple , profane or part of Malkuth , the material world ( while the East is the light, the sunrise ) . She did not like what you see and your spirit wants a different path .
In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees
And the voices of Those who stand looking .
The smoke rings are the symbol used to represent the ancient spirits , the ancestors within Shamanism . Great teachers and Invisible Masters who assist those who are within the initiatory orders
And it's Whispered que soon if we all call the tune
Then the piper will lead us to reason .
And a new day will dawn For Those Who stand long ,
And the forests will echo with laughter .
The " piper" is an allusion to the flutist , or Pan 's " Hymn to Pan " is a poem composed by Crowley 1929 ( and translated into Portuguese by Fernando Pessoa magician ) who comes to the Path of Ayin within the tree , which leads Reason of the Enlightenment and is represented precisely by Arcane Devil in Tarot and the sign of Capricorn symbolic Horned God of forests . "Forests echoing with laughter " suggests that those who are watching ( the Initiates Masters ) will be satisfied when the students and the rest of the planet arrive at the same point where they are and join them .
If there 's a bustle in your hedgerow ,
Do not be alarmed now ,
It's just a spring clean for the May Queen .
This part has nothing to do with girls reaching puberty . The changes relate to the death of winter and arrival of spring , which is the overcoming of Ordeals and walk toward the True Will .
Yes there are two paths you can go by ,
But in the long run
There's still time to change the road you're on .
A reminder that there are always two ways, and also a reference to the Path of Zain ( Sword , which connects Tiferet Started in the Great Mother Binah , represented by the Arcanum of the Tarot Lovers ) . Separates the part of earthly pleasures (called " sins " in Christianity or " Negative equity " in Alchemy ) and the path of spiritual enlightenment . The choice is ours and is made every moment of our lives in everything we do , and anyone at any time can change the way ( hopefully from lowest to highest ... )
And it makes me wonder .
Robert Plant puts this phrase several times in music , in a reference to the Arcane crazy ( and the Path of Aleph in Kabbalah ) , as the feeling of a child who marvels at everything in the world for the first time ( in Catholicism " Come unto me the little children " Matthew 18:1-6 no pun intended this time ) . This is the sensation that an occultist has every discovery of a new wonder of the galaxy or universe , or new inventions of science and the discovery of new horizons . In Hinduism , this feeling is called Sattva ( as opposed to Rajas / Tamas activity or / ignorance) .
Your head is humming and it will not go ,
In case you do not know ,
The Piper's calling you to join him .
At this point the music, since it is clear that the listener is being guided by the Lady of the Tree of Life towards enlightenment. The aspiring Initiate is being conducted by the path the sound of music. Or , in a more concrete case, the same type of music that Blog Conspiracy Theory plays for you ...
Dear lady can you hear the wind blow , and did you know ,
Your stairway lies on the whispering wind .
This phrase has two analogies with very similar symbols of two cultures . The first is the Yggdrasil itself, whose roots is a dragon ( Kundalini ) and whose top is an eagle flapping its wings resulting in a gentle breeze . The eagle represents the enlightened spirit (hence her being the symbol chosen by American Masons as a symbol of the U.S.) and the wind element is the AR (Reason ) . In Kabbalah , on a deeper meaning, both paths Aleph ( Crazy / Ar) as Beth (Mage / Mercury) leading to Kether ( God ) are represented by element AR - Led Zeppelin talks about eagles in other songs , also full of symbolism ... someday I'll talk about them.
And the we wind on down the road ,
Our shadows taller than our soul ,
Shadows in the occult and especially in the writings of Crowley , are defects or negative aspects of our personality that tarnish the purity of our soul .
There walks a lady we all know ,
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold ,
The third path to Kether is Gimmel , the priestess , the path started in Yesod (Moon ) passing again through the Great Mysteries . The analogy with the gold is obvious . The alchemical process in which symbolically transform lead into gold ego of our essence .
When all are one and one is all ,
Unity .
To be a rock and not to roll .
When I finally passed the Abyss arrived to Binah , which is the Order ( " rock " as opposed to chaos , which is the " roll " in a brilliant play on words ) . In Umbanda , the Orisha Shango is represented there , lord of " quarries " and certainty of the immutable laws of the universe . Is the mind focused on the road without letting yourself go for any event or adversity.
And she's buying a Stairway to Heaven .
Again , the message of hope ... the Lady of the Lake is always there , creating opportunities for all seekers on the path of liberation .
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